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Organization Description

The Citadel is the heart of Edmonton’s arts community. We are positioned at the centre of the city, and fill our building with exciting programming and partnerships with local companies and artists. We are proud to be part of a city so rich in theatre practice and theatre artists, and we look for every opportunity to feature local artists and their work on our stage. The Citadel is also an important contributor to the national theatre landscape, creating work and training artists seen on stages around the country and internationally. We grew from audacious beginnings 50 years ago, and plan to honour that spirit with an inclusive, innovative, and international approach to our future. Inclusive – We will celebrate, welcome, and share stories with the many different communities that make up Edmonton. Our stage will come alive with different voices and cultures. Innovative – Our programming will celebrate new work, new performance styles, and productions that experiment with dramatic form. We will create collisions between different art forms, and present work that includes dance, circus, music, and storytelling. We will tell stories digitally, including podcasts, video, and multi-platform projects. International – We will present and collaborate with exciting theatre-makers from around the world, as well as taking the fantastic work of the Citadel to audiences everywhere.

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